We are a vibrant network of Spirit-filled fellowships across the country. Whether you’re a committed follower of Yahshua (Jesus) or just exploring the idea of faith we’d love you to join us at one of our groups.

Everyone’s welcome!

Where you’ll find us...

Your Journey With Us

The Congregation Of Yahweh

We’re here to help you to move through the various stages of your exciting journey of faith. You’ll discover who Yahshua is through courses and water baptism.

First steps...

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Feast Of Trumpets 2024

3rd October 2024

Celebrate the Feast!

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Thought for the Week

Infinite Mercy

“It was the mercy of [Yahweh] that gave us Calvary, not Calvary that gave us the mercy of [Yahweh].” - A. W. Tozer

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The Congregation Of Yahweh
Head Office (UK)
27A Carlton Road
United Kingdom

T:Telephone: 0115 837 8083
W:Website: www.congyah.co.uk

Registered Charity No. 245132

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